The Studying With Dyslexia Blog

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Dyslexia, Success and Mental Health Awareness Week

At time of writing it is the last day of #mentalhealthawareness week. Read on to find out about how you can not only win some great prizes in my May Giveaway but also make a difference to children and young people with dyslexia across the UK who are experiencing poor self-esteem.

I have partnered up with Claro Software and Karen Cousins to provide the May Giveaway.

The aim for me is to support the campaign that Karen has to boost the self-esteem of dyslexic young people in education in secondary, sixth form and young offenders institutions.

Check out her GoFundMe campaign here.

Karen has kindly recorded the video below to explain how she wants to do this and is asking for your help.

So in support of Karen’s campaign, I am setting up my May Giveaway and details about this can be found in the video below:

If you would like to take part in my May Giveaway then all you have to do is click the button below and sign up with your entry. I will be announcing the winners in June.

My first online course for parents who are new to the ‘dyslexia learning curve’. Click the banner for a free preview.

John Hicks Therapeutic Counselling.

Want to know more about my counselling practise?

I would love to hear from you if you would like to know more about how Therapeutic Counselling could help your child. Click here to find out more.

What are your thoughts?

Has this blog article been useful to you? Do you agree with what I have suggested? Do you disagree? I want to hear from you. The more we as parents talk about this the more we can work together to get the education system to provide our children with the support that they need to be the best version of themselves. Please pop a comment in the comments box below and if you want to join my Parenting Dyslexia community then click here.